Frequently Asked Questions

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Setting up a Schedule

After you connect your device to our App, at the bottom of each device's control panel, y ou will find the schedule function. 

Why smart device cannot connect to 5GHz WiFi

5 GHz band has faster speed, but shorter range compare to 2.4 GHz band. For a smart device, wider range is prioritized over speed.

How to reset a device

Reset a device

Why my light turned on after a power outage?

For a light bulb, when the power grid is off, it will be the same as though you have cut the power from the wall switch. The light bulb will be off until the power grid is back on. When the power g...

How to get a device ID?

In order to find the Device ID of your device it needs to be linked to your account. Even if the device is offline you can find the device's information by following the steps below.

Connect to devices to Alexa

Connect to devices to Alexa