best no hub smart bulb

Hubless Smart Light Bulbs You Must Have One

Hubless Smart Light Bulbs You Must Have One-LUMIMAN

If most of your lighting is on the ceiling and controlled by switches on the wall, you'd better use smart light bulbs. That's because a smart light bulb can be controlled via voice control assistant or app.

For most people interested in living in a smart home, lighting is the entry point. Many smart lighting systems work perfectly well without a central hub and are still capable of interacting with other smart home elements.

If you want smarter home lighting but you don’t want to settle different connections such as Zigbee, Z-Wave, and you don't want to limit your entire smart home to just one hub. All you want is a smart light that can work in a box. Here I’d like to introduce you to the best smart light bulbs without hubs.

LUMIMAN smart bulb is A19-class devices fitting into an E26 socket. The smart bulb has a built-in Wi-Fi connection, which means all you need is a wireless network and Internet connection, thus, you can control it through smartphones and apps.

Five Best Features of LUMIAMN smart lighting bulbs
Multi-color Lighting
There are numerous colors to choose from including various shades of white. You can have nice warm light for late nights or a bright cool glow when it's time to be productive.

Voice Control Support
Well, now you can put them to better use by linking them with the PlusMinus or Smart Life app. I have it set up through the former, which just requires some simple login info and account linking.

Excellent for Small-Medium Rooms (No Hub Required)
The bulb doesn't require a separate smart hub for it to function. Many smart lights still require a hub that hooks into your router, but more and more devices are beginning to shift away from that model.

Multi-Functionality (Scenes/Routines/App)
Whether it's an app or a voice assistant, you can create your scenes & routines using these bulbs.

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